There are folks out there who splurge on non-essentials even when down to their last dime, following the popular cliché: You only live once. Or If I die, I die. All fun until you’re left high and dry, fix this like a boss by orientating yourself on smart ways to spend your money and what not to do in order to save money.
Eating out 
Oh, the joy of having your meals all prepped up for you and not having to do the dishes later! As liberating and easy this is, it sure does crazy things to your wallet. So, except you’ve got a fancy date or an evening out with the girls, cook yourself a nice meal rather than eating out.
Lottery tickets
The odds of landing a truckload of money with lotto tickets are slim to none, therefore, stay off the lottery games and invest your money on a profitable venture instead.
Impulsive shopping
It doesn’t matter if there’s a huge discount on those pairs of heels, if you don’t need them then you shouldn’t buy them! Go for necessities first and minimize the rate at which you splurge on cheap thrills.
Upgrading technology
Guilty on this one right? I mean, when was the last iPhone product launched and now we have iPhone 11 out there tensioning every techie savvy millennial. Don’t fall for these upgrades when your current cellphone is operating just fine.